Powerful Access
Laura Lahti with Team Lahti Real Estate and Badger Realty Team provides continuously updated MLS data feeds for Southern Wisconsin. You can get all the details you need to explore and discover homes locally or extend your search area across the country.
Data Privacy
With Team Lahti you can search, share and save millions of listings privately without putting any of your personal data at risk. No more menacing emails from anyone other then my team. Realtor/Truila/Zillow .coms will all share your information with other Realtors, often times complicating you when you’re already in our trusted hands.
More Listings
With data directly from the MLS, I have more listings and frequently updated information than national competitors, giving you the best chance to find the home of your dreams. See 100% of the available listings in our local Madison MLS market.
Being ready for your dream home is as easy as 1, 2, 3
To get the home you want, in this challenging real estate market, it’s important to have a competitive advantage because homes are selling fast. Here are a few things that you can do to stay ahead of your competition when working with my team.
Be ready to buy. Get Pre-Approved
In the time it takes to get Pre-Approved, you could lose out on the home buying opportunity of a lifetime! Start your path to a perfect home by securing funding options with a lender/loan officer. Buyers with Pre-Approval letters are 6 times more likely to get the home they want than those who do not receive Pre-Approval. Schedule Consult >
Search, Save homes, get updates
The easy to use features of on our home searches give homebuyers the ability to save home search results, and since we update MLS Listings over 32,000 times a week, you will receive notifications and alerts on each property’s status throughout the sales cycle.
Use your competitive advantage
Engage our circle of professionals to keep ahead of other buyers in our fast-paced and highly competitive market. Our customized user interface creates speed-to-trust relationships between you, loan officers, appraisers, myself and more to help efficiently find and fund your next home. Schedule Consult >
Greetings! Very helpful advice in this particular article! Its the little changes that make the most significant changes. Many thanks for sharing!